Za tri godine napravila potpunu transformaciju tijela, izgubila 118 kilograma

U životu možemo sve postići uz malo volje i truda. Bitno je imati motivaciju i jasan cilj. Za Catherine Shaklin iz Oklahoma Cityja cilj je bio smršati, a za tri godine napravila je potpuno transformaciju.

Catherine je imala je 190 kilograma. Catherine kada bi se popela uz stepenice teško bi disala, a imala je problem i sa vezivanjem pertli. Za tri godine je izgubila 118 kilograma. Međutim, problem je i dalje tu, jer je ostao višak kože teži od 9 kilograma.

Zbog prekomjerne težine Catherine je imala problema sa zdravljem. Patila je od dijabetesa, imunitet joj je također bio kao i krvni pritisak. Doktori su joj savjetovali da ugradi želučanu premosnicu,  ali ona se odlučila prirodnim putem izgubiti kilograme.

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Workout after thanksgiving.. Give me all the coffee. Anyone else dead tired after yesterday !!

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It’s Small business Saturday! Thank you to each and every person who has supported my little makeup business. Today is my very LAST day. To hit a very big goal in my company. If anyone is needing a new eye palettes, foundation, skincare, mascara, face wipes, or any of our fantastic Black Friday bundles. I can help with that. Would you please consider getting a refill or ordering from me. 😍 We have some major Black friday deals going that would make a perfect Christmas gift for you or a friend. 😜 Every order will receive FREE shipping! If you would like to browse my site you can do so here. I would love to help you pick out something as well. Thank you all for supporting me.😘 If you have a business please post about your business and put your link below.. I’m all about Boss babes supporting others.😘

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Trenutno putem Go Fund Me kampanje skuplja sredstva za operaciju koja joj je jedina opcija da se riješi devet kilograma kože koja ostala nakon gubitka kilograma. (