
Učiteljica iz grada 'Česka Lipa' na sjeverozapadu Češke dobila je otkaz nakon što su je njeni učenici našli na jednoj od web stranica punih porno sadržaja

Pic shows: Czech teacher known only as Lucie in the porn casting. She has been fired. A school Miss who went to a porn casting and was fired after her pupils spotted it online claims she was drugged by filmakers. The Czech teacher known only as Lucie, 35, from the town of Ceska Lipa in the northwest of the Czech Republic, had gone to the capital city Prague where she made the 40-minute video for porn site The video starts with the blonde mum-of-two sitting on a couch and being asked questions by another woman offscreen. She tells the interviewer she’s into fitness, is separated and has two children before saying she would never do porn because of her relatives. She is later seen rubbing oil over herself before having sex with a man. The video was then found by her pupils who began sharing it until a parent came across it and told the school. Mum Lenka Hrdinova, 37, said: "I do not want to judge the teacher because I do not know why she did it. "But it is not all right when 15-year-old children see it and gossip about it. "She had intercourse with a complete stranger for money in front of camera and that is not  in accordance with the educational role which should be offered by teachers." Now teacher Lucie has spoken out saying she was tricked into doing the video. Talking to local TV she said: "I was looking for an extra job and I found some advertisement looking for toned figures for a photo shooting. "I thought it was for underwear. "I think they drugged me with cocaine. "I am sure that something was there." "My behaviour was changing and I felt very relaxed and comfortable. "I would not be able to do something like this in normal circumstances." Appalled headmaster Petr Jonas told local media: "As soon as we learnt about this we had no other choice than to say goodbye to her." (ends)  Roditelji učenika češke učiteljice (35) vjerojatno su bili uvjereni da njihova djeca rade domaću zadaću kada su oni u biti vrijeme provodili na porno stranicama. Na jednoj od njih su na vlastito oduševljenje i šok svojih roditelja našli i vlastitu učiteljicu.

U pitanju je video u trajanju od 40 minuta u kojemu se učiteljica skida, golo tijelo maže uljem i na kraju se upušta u spolni odnos s porno glumcem.

U pitanju je bila audicija kakve se i inače provode u porno industriji, a majka dvoje djece sada tvrdi da je mislila da ide na audiciju za modela za donje rublje te kako su je 'filmaši' najvjerojatnije drogirali, piše češki

- Tražila sam dodatni posao i naišla na oglas u kojem se tražila ženska osoba osunčanog tena. Mislila sam da traže model za donje rublje. Mislim da su me drogirali kokainom. Moje se ponašanje promijenilo i osjećala sam se vrlo opušteno i ugodno, izjavila je učiteljica.

Pic shows: Czech teacher known only as Lucie in the porn casting. She has been fired. A school Miss who went to a porn casting and was fired after her pupils spotted it online claims she was drugged by filmakers. The Czech teacher known only as Lucie, 35, from the town of Ceska Lipa in the northwest of the Czech Republic, had gone to the capital city Prague where she made the 40-minute video for porn site The video starts with the blonde mum-of-two sitting on a couch and being asked questions by another woman offscreen. She tells the interviewer she’s into fitness, is separated and has two children before saying she would never do porn because of her relatives. She is later seen rubbing oil over herself before having sex with a man. The video was then found by her pupils who began sharing it until a parent came across it and told the school. Mum Lenka Hrdinova, 37, said: "I do not want to judge the teacher because I do not know why she did it. "But it is not all right when 15-year-old children see it and gossip about it. "She had intercourse with a complete stranger for money in front of camera and that is not  in accordance with the educational role which should be offered by teachers." Now teacher Lucie has spoken out saying she was tricked into doing the video. Talking to local TV she said: "I was looking for an extra job and I found some advertisement looking for toned figures for a photo shooting. "I thought it was for underwear. "I think they drugged me with cocaine. "I am sure that something was there." "My behaviour was changing and I felt very relaxed and comfortable. "I would not be able to do something like this in normal circumstances." Appalled headmaster Petr Jonas told local media: "As soon as we learnt about this we had no other choice than to say goodbye to her." (ends)  Kada su našli snimku, njeni su ju učenici počeli međusobno dijeliti, a onda je došla i do jednog od roditelja.

- Ne želim joj suditi jer ne znam zašto je to učinila. No, s druge strane, imala je odnos s nepoznatim čovjekom ispred kamere za novac i morala je znati da će to biti objavljeno. To jednostavno nije u skladu s njenom ulogom radnika u prosvjeti, izjavio je roditelj koji je slučaj prijavio školi.

- Čim smo saznali za spornu snimku, nismo imali izbora. Morali smo joj uručiti otkaz, izjavio je Petr Jonas, koordinator učitelja u školi u kojoj je radila učiteljica. (