Najpoželjniji muškarac na svijetu ima novu djevojku?

Od kada se razveo od Angeline Jolie, Brad Pitt sve do sada nije bio viđen u ženskom društvu.

Američki glumac Brad Pitt smatra se jednim od najpoželjnijih muškaraca na svijetu. Iako je u šestoj deceniji života, on i dalje nosi etiketu alfa mužjaka, zbog čega ga mnoge obožavateljke žele, a paparaci svakodnevno snimaju.

Tako su foto-reporteri zabilježili trenutke kada je zvijezda filma Oušnovih 11 uživao u društvu crnokose ljepotice Margaret Qualley . Njih dvoje su provodili vrijeme na suncu, a sudeći prema snimcima, sve vrijeme su se smijali i zabavljali.

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Brad Pitt, Lena Dunham and Margaret Qualley were spotted on the set of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, on Thursday, September 20. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ The shoot took place at the Spahn Ranch set at Corriganville, confirming Cliff Booth's association with the ranch and with the Manson Family. The photos also give us our first look at Lena Dunham as Gypsy, and Margaret Qualley as Kitty Kat. Gypsy (Catherine Share) was the oldest female member of the Family and its top recruiter. Kitty Kat may either be, or be a reference to Kathryn Lutesinger, whose nickname was Kitty. She was one of the girls who shaved her head and sat outside the LA Hall of Justice during Manson's trial. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Also (not 100% sure), in the foreground of the fourth picture looks to be actor Omar Doom (Omar from Inglourious Basterds) dressed in motorcycle gear, which means we may be seeing Spahn Ranch at the time of the Family's Helter Skelter preparations. Around that time, Manson began to hire a more "macho" element to help prepare, such as bikers, ex-cons and mechanics who could work on vehicles around the clock and look after the Family's weapons.

Objavu dijeli Quentin Tarantino news (@tarantino_news)

Brad i Margaret, pišu strani mediji, uslikani su na pauzi, a skupa snimaju filmu Once upon a time in Hollywood.

Da li će se zaista njih dvoje zbližiti na setu najnovijeg Tarantinovog filma i preći granicu prijateljstva pokazaće vrijeme. (