Putuje po svijetu i fotografiše zanimljivu uličnu hranu (FOTO)
Foto: Tuzlanski.ba

Prije tri godine, Amerikanka Melissa Hie otišla je na put po Europi, kad je koristila svaku priliku da iskuša različitu uličnu hranu. Svoje doživljaje i fotografije tad je objavljivala na društvenim mrežama i postale su prilično popularne.

Kako je odjednom dobila gomilu pratitelja na društvenim mrežama, Melissa je odlučila otvoriti poseban Instagram Girl Eat World profil te na njemu objavljivati samo fotografije s raznih putovanja na koja često ide, piše Telegram.

Ono što je pratiteljima najzanimljive su njene kreativne fotografije ulične hrane iz raznih gradova koji se uklapaju u vizure ulice koje fotografira.

A ovo je 15 najzabavnijih...

Hello Kitty krofna, Tokio

Jagode umočene u čokoladu, Bruxelles, Belgija

Plavi sladoled od kokosa, Malta

Pecivo sa susamom, Atena, Grčka

Hanami Dango (okruglice od rižinog brašna), Kioto, Japan

🍡🍡 Hanami dango amidst sakura blooms in Arashiyama, Kyoto. There are Sakura everywhere in Japan right now! 🌸🌸 I have always wanted to eat Hanami Dango myself and finally got the chance to do so yesterday. This rice cake snack is so important to japanese culture that there is even an emoji for it ->🍡 It's sakura season right now in Japan, which marks the beginning of Spring. Since sakura season only lasts about a month (usually April), it became an important tradition to go to the nearest park with picnic mats and some packed food for sakura viewing - also known as Hanami. Hanami 花見 means "watching flowers" (hana 花 = flowers; mi 見 = eyes / to watch) and Dango means "dumplings / rice cake". Japanese eats dango as snack all-year round, but this variation with pink, white and green is traditionally eaten during Hanami season. The pink color comes from azuki (red bean) and the green is from green tea 🍵! 🍃🌸🌸🍡🌸🌸🍃 #RealLifeEmoji #EmojiIRL #EmojisInTheWild #ShotOniPhone6s

Fotografiju objavljuje Food & Travel ❤️ (@girleatworld)

Čokoladno srce, Sydney, Australija

❤️🍫 Chocolate hearts at the Queen Victoria Building, also known as QVB to the locals. Thanks again to @vinhphams for bringing me here! This shopping centre at the central business district of Sydney has gone through many changes. First built in 1898, it went through eras of various uses including housing a concert hall, the city library and at some point became an old decaying building in danger of being demolished. It was finally restored in 1980s and is now one of the most popular shopping arcade in sydney today. I'm glad QVB was not demolished, this building is absolutely charming with its intricate tiles, wooden details and stained glass windows. Most importantly, it also houses some of the city's best cafe and chocolatier, such as Haigh's, Zumbo Patisserie and Koko Black (where i got this chocolate from!)

Fotografiju objavljuje Food & Travel ❤️ (@girleatworld)

Klementine, Yangon, Myanmar

Medenjak, London, Velika Britanija

Panda pecivo, kobe, Japan

Smrznuti jogurt, Malta

Kroasan, Pariz, Francuska

#GirlEatWorld by the wonderful @icecreamofinsta - not an ice cream, more fitting to have a croissant at Eiffel Tower in Paris! But!! did you know that croissant originated in Vienna? The mention of 'kipferl', which is the origin of what we call croissant these days, goes back to 13th century. The french at some point adapted it, added tons of butter and made it cresent-shaped. French version became more popular (because butter) and thus the term croissant which means 'crescent' 🌙 in french! One of the stories of how kipferl made its way to france is through the Austrian princess Marie Antoinette 👑, who were married to the (then) French prince Louis XVI in the 17th century. Marie Antoinette was a fashionable trend-setter royalty - whatever she liked became popular in Paris, and it was said that she loved to have Kipferl for breakfast. How true is this story? i don't know, but i sure am glad the french added more butter! 😛🇫🇷 #ButterFTW #vivelafrance #WhenInDoubt #JustAddButter

Fotografiju objavljuje Food & Travel ❤️ (@girleatworld)

Kebab, Ölüdeniz, Turska

Mamoul keksi, Jordan

Macaronsi, Zurich, Švicarska

Gai Daan Jai (vafli), Hong Kong

Dear Hong Kong, thank you for being my home for the past two weeks while I am here for work! Since i have been to Hong Kong so many times, i feel like i have tried all the traditional snacks. But fear not, here is something a bit different - this is a modern take on the well-loved traditional snack Gai Daan Zai (also called eggette) from @oddiesfoodies in Wan Chai. Their eggettes have different flavors combined with yummy ice cream, making it a very unique complex dessert! The one I had is called "The Night Wolf", which is chocolate chip eggette served with 66% dark chocolate gelato, brownies, passion fruit panna cotta, carmelized banana ice cream and crunchy flakes. Winner! (Thanks @cultoflee and @nativenowhere for taking me here 😊) #notsponsored #GirlEatHK

Fotografiju objavljuje Food & Travel ❤️ (@girleatworld)