Danas nosi broj 38 a prije samo devet mjeseci imala je 120 kg (FOTO)
Foto: Tuzlanski.ba

Kate Writer (25) iz Australije izgubila je 50 kilograma u samo 9 mjeseci i postala inspiracija svima koji se bore s debljinom.  Iako je oduvijek bila bucka, kada je upoznala svog zaručnika Nicka (28) udebljala se još više i prešla 100 kilograma. U jednom periodu imala je 120 kilograma.

- On me volio onakvu kakva jesam pa mi to nije smetalo. Imala sam 21 godinu i 120 kg - rekla je Kate koja kaže kako se oduvijek osjećala dobro u svojoj koži.

Veliki je fan mamine kuhinje i nikad nije brojala kalorije. Voljela je šnicle zapečene sa sirom, a ulje i masnoće nisu joj smetale. Ona i njen partner dijelili su ljubav prema hrani, a za večeru im ponekad nije bio dovoljan jedan obrok, pa su znali otići i u restoran brze hrane, piše 24sata.hr.

- Voljeli smo gledati televiziju i jesti čipseve i čokolade - priznala je Kate koja se s vremenom počela debljati dok je Nickovo tijelo ostalo je gotovo isto.

Promjenu je primjetila i zanemarila. Kada joj odjeća više ne bi pristajala, jednostavno bi kupila veću. Osim hrane, voljela je i izlaske i alkohol.

I'm a little late but I CANT BELIEVE I HIT 20k !!! 🎉🎉🎉 . I didn't start this Instagram to get thousands of followers, or to stress about how many likes my photos get...I started this account to HELP people! to show you that weightloss is possible and that you can go from flab to fab and gain a whole lot of confidence along the way. you CAN achieve anything you want, you CAN love yourself and you CAN live the life you've always dreamed of. I started this account to empower, motivate and inspire others to lead a healthy lifestyle and to finally be happy with who they are. we all need to stop wishing and start working towards the things we actually want and if I can push just one person to do that, then my account has been a success 👍🏼 so huge huge huge hugs go out to every single one of you 🤗 your messages, your comments and your support means so much to me, and I really am so thankful to be able to share my journey and progress with all of you 😊

Fotografiju objavljuje Kate (@dedikated_lifestyle)

- Često sam poslije posla otišla u McDonalds po ručak. Kada sam došla kući dočekao me još jedan - rekla je Kate.

Iako još u dvadesetima, imala je problema s zglobovima pa je zbog toga odlučila nešto promijeniti. Nije znala otkud početi, pa je jednostavno smanjila porcije i osjetila prve promjene.

- Nakon toga skinula sam aplikaciju koja broji kalorije. Za mjesec dana pala sam ispod 100 kg - kaže Kate.

big warm WELCOME to all my new followers🙋🏽😘 here's a snapshot of how far I've come and if you don't know my story then read on for a quick recap. . ••••••••• at my heaviest, I weighed in at 120kgs 😬 (this was at the beginning of 2013) and it was around that time that I made some changes and decided to try and drop some weight-little did I know how far I would come! . ••••••••• I significantly reduced my calorie intake and portion sizes and cut out all fast food and alcohol. I began to exercise regularly (mostly cardio to begin with) and to be honest, my body responded way quicker that what I ever expected. by August of the same year I had lost 40kgs 👊🏼 way more than I ever thought I could lose or was hoping to lose. throughout these 7 months I stuck to clean, whole foods and kept training, there were NO supplements, tablets or quick fixes-I worked hard! my motivation was the weight loss I was seeing along with peoples amazing reactions and compliments, and of course fitting into normal clothes! . ••••••••• I began to incorporate crossfit and weight based functional training along with cardio and it took me a total of 18months (around June 2014) to reach my lowest weight, which was 65.4kgs-a loss of 54.6kgs (but let's just call it 55kgs 😂) since then, I have successfully kept the weight off and due to muscle gain and a more balanced lifestyle, I am now sitting at around 70-75kgs👌🏼 ••••••••• by sharing my story, I really want people to see that it is achievable! I never set out to lose 55kgs, I honestly thought I would struggle to get under 100kgs, so don't stop. I am still working on my body and honestly don't know if I will ever be content, but I sure know that I am so proud of what I have achieved and especially of maintaining such a huge weight loss. . ••••••••• so thank you all for supporting my journey and reminding me of how far I've come. if you're wanting to know even more about my journey check out the link in my bio ☝🏼️ I am absolutely overwhelmed with how quickly my account has grown already and can't believe I'm almost at 30k ! I hope to inspire many more and can't wait to change other women's lives with my story 👏🏼

Fotografiju objavljuje Kate (@dedikated_lifestyle)

Promjena je razveselila i počela je s rigoroznom vježbom. Brzo se navukla jer je vaga pokazivala sve manje brojke.

- Željela sam smršati prirodno bez ikakvih zahvata. Masnu hranu zamijenila sam povrćem i nakon samo devet mjeseci imala sam 65 kg i nosila broj 38 - rekla je zadovoljna Kate.

Vježba i danas da bi održala liniju, no priznaje da se 'navukla'. Provodi ukupno dva sata na dan vježbajući, a smeta joj kad ljudi misle da je bila na operaciji.

- Ako sam ja uspjela, uspjet će svako. Treba samo jesti manje i zdravije, a vježbati više - rekla je Kate koja želi biti inspiracija svim ženama širom svijeta. (Tuzlanski.ba)