Mama poziva: Ne komentarišite trudnicama veličinu stomaka (FOTO)

Nikada ne sudite trudnicu po trbuhu.

To je poruka koju je fitness zvijezda na Instagramu, Revie Jane Schulz, poslala sa svojom objavom kako su u 25. sedmici trudnoće ljudi mislili da je pred samim porodom.

“Ovo sam objavila nakon toliko komentara koji su mi rečeni da imam ogroman bejbi stomak”, rekla je nova mama na slici kada je bila trudna. “Teško je, nosite ljudsko biće, vaše tijelo se drastično mijenja, više nego što ste ikada očekivali i onda drugi trljaju sol na ranu, stranci imaju potrebu komentarisati svaki put kad ste u javnosti”.

Always trying to keep up with Lexi's trendy outfits so put on my stripes to be like her 🙊 Playmat: @lecocoarchie

Fotografiju objavljuje Revie Jane Schulz (@reviejane)

Sada sretna mama kćeri Lexington Schulz, rođenoj 9. aprila, Schulz ima savjet za bilo koga ko sretne trudnicu.

“Ovo je savjet, ne spominjite veličinu trbuha”, predlaže. “Bez ti si tako velika! Bez ti si tako mala! Samo recite nešto poput izgledaš prekrasno/zdravo/divno!” (Gugu)

Honestly, how could I go past this set from @bondsaus 🙌🏽 It's matching, it’s active wear and it’s PINK floral print. I mean, come on- Had our names all over it. // When it came to taking a little happy snap, I was pretty keen to post a photo that had my back to the camera or Lexi covering my belly. Why? I guess I’m still adjusting to my body and I'm just not used to it looking this way. But I figured, stuff that! I'm so proud of my body and what it has made, what it has carried for 41 weeks and 3 days. What it is capable of today and what it will be capable of in the future. Sure I could have posted a more flattering photo, covering my stretch marks and stretched skin but I thought of Lexi looking back at photos when she's a young woman. And in no way would I want her to see me hiding my body or doing anything but standing proud for what it has done. I want her to know that you can have goals and work hard for them but that embracing the present and being okay with where you’re at, even though its not where you want to be, is so important. Sure this will seem silly to some, but this is MY experience. Always on the journey of self-love and if it helps you, I'm happy to share my journey. If not, pretty simple, keep scrolling 😊👍🏽 Hell, I’ll probably post a way more flattering photo (who doesnt like tuning in on their inner Elle) but for now this is me, here I am and I’m one proud new Mama. #MumBod #LoveTheSkinYoureIn #bodyimage #selflove #bonds

Fotografiju objavljuje Revie Jane Schulz (@reviejane)