Iskustvo slastičarke: Kako sam izgubila 40 kilograma i jela sve što volim? (FOTO)

Tugu zbog gubitka posla Kira Ottaway 'tjerala' je sladoledima, slatkišima i svom ostalom procesiranom hranom koja bi joj došla pod ruku. Onda je prvi put nakon dugo vremena stala na vagu prvi put i kada je shvatila da ima 100 kilograma nešto se u njoj 'prelomilo'.

Istog trenutka navukla je na sebe trenerku i krenula u šetnju – to je obilježilo početak njenog mršavljenja. Ubrzo je spoznala da je emocionalno prejedanje uzrok njezine prekomjerne težine i ako želi izgubiti kilograme mora se na 'zdraviji' načini nositi s problemima u svom životu.

Na jednoj radionici naučila je da ne mora opsesivno brojati kalorije nego se mora fokusirati na nutritivnu vrijednost hrane koju unosi u organizam. Prije bi na poslu jela kolače koje je spremala uz izgovor da svaki mora probati, ali onda se riješila te loše navike. U 2 godine izgubila je 40 kilograma, a ovo su savjeti koje želi podijeliti sa svima koji imaju problema s prekomjernom tjelesnom težinom.

1. Prepoznajte uzrok svog prejedanja. Dok ne spoznate problem zbog kojeg previše jedete nećete uspješno smršati jer će se tvrdoglavi kilogrami uvijek vraćati.

2. Držite se metoda 3+2 (3 velika obroka dnevno i 2 manja). Tako ćete uvijek biti siti tokom cijelog dana i nećete osjećati potrebu za dodatnom hranom.

3. Prestanite brojati kalorije na deklaracijama i usredotočite se na brojanje nutrijenata. To je puno važnije i dokle god se vaša dijeta sastoji od zdrave prehrane koju kombinirate uz tjelesnu aktivnost i vježbanje, sigurno ćete smršati.

4. Pronađite potporu. Povjerite se prijateljima i porodici kako bi vam oni mogli biti potpora tokom mršavljenja. Ponekad ljudi zbog nerazumijevanja krivo reagiraju u određenim situacijama pa će vas npr. na večeri siliti da jedete nešto što ste izbacili iz prehrane uz argument 'da vam kile ionako dobro stoje'. Objasnite im da želite smršaviti zbog svog zdravlja, a ne zbog izgleda i onda ćete izbjeći ovakve situacije.

5. Počastite se hranom koju volite. Međutim, nemojte to nazivati 'varanjem na dijeti' jer uz hranu ne smijete vezati negativne konotacije. Ona nije zlo, ona je tu kako bi vam pomogla da budete što zdraviji, a istodobno uživate. Stoga si priuštite jedan 'slobodan' obrok sedmično i krenite dalje.

6. Ne izbjegavajte slatko. S obzirom na to da sam slastičarka, trebalo mi je dugo da naučim kontrolisati svoju ovisnost o šećeru. Sada razumijem da svakome ponekad treba nešto slatko. Važno je naći balans između potrebe i unošenja slatkog. To je, naposljetku, produktivnije od potpunog odricanja. (

Over the years, one thing has never changed... and that is my need for a good tan. 😂 Haha! But I don't really care about tanning. I'd rather not get skin cancer 👍------------------------------------------------ Today is the last day of my 12 week challenge. I have never been so proud of myself and it all stems from one goal. Twelve weeks ago, I made a goal to only weigh once every third week. I have made goals like this before but this is the very FIRST time I've actually honored that intention. I can't believe how much difference it has made in my mindset. I finally believe it... the scale does not define nor affirm me.------------------------------------------------------------------ Instead of rushing home after vacation and Thanksgiving to see how much weight I gained, I trusted that everything was alright. I am fine! And then I just made the next healthy decision. Once you let something or someone effect your positive energy, you've lost your power. I took back the power to be positive. I stopped wasting energy on an inanimate object and started living in a way that was important to me. I am dedicated to this journey and I know I will fluctuate but if I always do my best, I can be assured that my best is enough. My start weight 12 weeks ago was 136.8. Today, I am 130. Onward and upwards, always ! 😊

A photo posted by Kira Ottaway (@rockyourlifefitness) on

Besides starting my fitness journey, the next best thing that I've added to my exercise routine is a 5 minute warm-up, 5 minutes of dynamic stretching, and then 5 minutes of static stretching after my workout(as shown here.) I have to admit, it takes a lot of discipline to make myself do these extra steps, but it is so worth it. As my teacher explained to me, if you take a rubber band out of the freezer and try to stretch it, it's going to snap fairly quickly. If you take the rubber band out of the freezer and rub it between your hands for a few minutes and THEN try to stretch it, you're going to see a lot more elasticity. Now, apply this same concept to your joints. I cannot believe how much better my body responds when I prepare it for movement versus just jumping right in! Take care of your body and reduce the risk of injury! I'm thankful I learned this in school.

A photo posted by Kira Ottaway (@rockyourlifefitness) on

I am really looking forward to my "Principles of Personal Training" class, tonight! The assignment is to bring a 3-day food log to turn in. I said to the teacher, "all you want is 3 days?! I could give you 3 months!" ;) This is an easy one for me; I'll just photocopy my daily accountability plans for the past 3 days. Of course, he'll get some insight on the positive mindset that goes along with it. BONUS for him. Haha! Let's see what my teacher has to say about my nutrition. That will be interesting, right? I have to be super organized especially on school days. I head straight to the gym, then work, then to school and wont be home until 10pm. Even though this is how I eat daily (aside from free meals), when I lay it all out like this, it's still hard to believe that I can eat THIS MUCH FOOD and still lose 85 pounds and maintain my weight loss. The secret? High quality, nutrient dense, unprocessed food that my body uses for fuel. There is a difference between food... and food that FUELS! This is how I teach my clients to eat and I haven't had a single complaint- ONLY RESULTS. Your body is a machine. Feed it right, make it move, and just watch the return on investment. The fog will be lifted and you will be able to see life so much more clearly. It is worth it! Trust me. Let's make it a great day!

A photo posted by Kira Ottaway (@rockyourlifefitness) on

Mind. Blown. My mom caught this action shot while I did jump squats today. I see it and think, "wow... that's me! That's me." I will not take that statement for granted. There was a very difficult time when I could not relate with either one of these two body images. At my heaviest of 215, I would walk by a mirror and not recognize my reflection. As I lost weight, I REALLY didn't know who I was looking at! I had been obese my whole life. Although I was proud of my progress, some of the challenges I faced were terrifying in the moment. I had to be patient to come into my own. What clothes will I wear now that I'm not limited? How will I handle social situations that involve food? (a big challenge for me) How will I accept that this body is imperfectly mine? (And that it's ok that it's imperfect!!) Finally, I can look at the picture on the right and recognize myself. It's only when I compare to my other state of body and mind that I can truly appreciate how far I've come. I am so thankful for my support group, all of the stepping stones, my mentors, and the purpose my life has now that I've found ME!

A photo posted by Kira Ottaway (@rockyourlifefitness) on