
Katia se najviše boji da se više neće moći kretati, ako je bolest prikuje za krevet, vrlo brzo bi mogla postati pogubna za nju. U iduće tri godine ići će na još 10-12 tretmana liposukcije

Katia Page (36), poput svake mladenke veseli se svom posebnom danu, no kako bi sve bilo savršeno Katia se podvrgnula seriji tretmana liposukcije. Ona, naime, pati do lipoedema zbog čega joj se masnoća nakuplja u tijelu, pogotovo u nogama koje sada imaju obim od 121 centimetra. Liposukcijom joj uklanjaju masnoće kako ne bi još više narasla.


- Prije liposukcije noge su mi bile i 15 centimetara šire - rekla je. Otekline su joj jednom bile toliko jake da su joj 'zglobovi' visili preko stopala, kazala je. Katia se najviše boji da se više neće moći kretati, ako je bolest prikuje za krevet, vrlo brzo bi mogla postati pogubna za nju.

- Da Katia nije otišla na operaciju, da ne vodi računa o zavojima, da se nema volje kretati - vrlo brzo bi bila mrtva - kaže njezina doktorica, prenosi Daily Mail. Cijelog se života borila s predrasudama i osudama ljudi koji misle da je pretila zbog nezdravog načina života, a tek prošle godine, kad je već ušla u posljednji stadij, saznala je da pati od neizlječivog poremećaja zbog kojeg je ponekad u neizdrživim bolovima. Unatoč svim problemima Katia se veseli životu i raduje se svom vjenčanju.

- Zaručena sam i uskoro ću se udati. Da budem iskrena, on me voli kakva jesam, ali i dalje želim izgledati najbolje što mogu - rekla je Page koja je svoju priču ispričala za TLC-ev show 'My Legs Won't Stop Growing', koji će prikazati u ponedjeljak. (

[caption id="attachment_250647" align="alignnone" width="641"]***CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Katia is appearing in 'My Legs Won¿t Stop Growing' at 10pm ET on TLC (USA only) on Monday 25 July*** MARYLAND, USA - 2016: Kierra Kenion at the park. A bride-to-be is undergoing gruelling treatment to decrease her 50-INCH-WIDE LEGS. Katia Page from New Jersey suffers with Lipedema ¿ a chronic disorder that causes fatty tissue to accumulate in mass around the lower body. To try and prevent her legs from growing further, Katia has started a series of liposuction sessions. Early signs from Katia¿s treatment show positive results with the swelling in her legs gradually decreasing. But she still has a long way to go.Katia experiences a daily struggle with people assuming she is overweight because of an unhealthy diet, rather than her life-threatening disease that she can do nothing to prevent. But no matter what negativity is thrown her way, Katia still has her dream wedding to look forward to with her fianc¿. PHOTOGRAPH BY James Harrison / Barcroft Productions London-T:+44 207 033 1031 - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 ***CONDITION OF USAGE: The following plug must be used in print and/or online: Katia is appearing in 'My Legs Won¿t Stop Growing' at 10pm ET on TLC (USA only) on Monday 25 July*** MARYLAND, USA - 2016: Kierra Kenion at the park. A bride-to-be is undergoing gruelling treatment to decrease her 50-INCH-WIDE LEGS. Katia Page from New Jersey suffers with Lipedema ¿ a chronic disorder that causes fatty tissue to accumulate in mass around the lower body. To try and prevent her legs from growing further, Katia has started a series of liposuction sessions. Early signs from Katia¿s treatment show positive results with the swelling in her legs gradually decreasing. But she still has a long way to go.Katia experiences a daily struggle with people assuming she is overweight because of an unhealthy diet, rather than her life-threatening disease that she can do nothing to prevent. But no matter what negativity is thrown her way, Katia still has her dream wedding to look forward to with her fianc¿. PHOTOGRAPH BY James Harrison / Barcroft Productions London-T:+44 207 033 1031 E:[email protected] - New York-T:+1 212 796 2458 E:[email protected] - New Delhi-T:+91 11 4053 2429 E:[email protected][/caption]