
Penzionerski život zna biti težak. A, ako starost provodite sami, a pritom ste još bolesni, onda to zna biti pravi pakao.

Pic shows: Pensioner Xun Qi has put an advert offering to give his pension to any family whilling to adopt him. A lonely pensioner has put an advert in his local paper offering to give his pension to any family willing to adopt him. Retired civil servant Xun Qi, 75, has been living alone since his wife died and his career quit to start her own family. His son Hun,48, only makes rare visits as he lives to far away and has family and work commitments.  He placed the heart rendering ad  in a paper  in the Changzhou, east China’s Jiangsu Province after suffering depression since his carer left him to get married 10 years ago. Xun Qi said of his career, of whom he was very fond: "She was going to marry some day or another; she couldn’t have stayed with me forever. I sent her off in 2005 as if it were my own daughter getting married, and I’ve been on my own ever since." Xun Qi,  has no friends and  wanders around the house aimlessly, desperately  hoping for  someone to talk to and that is why he has offered his 638GBP a month pension to anyone willing to take him in. He said: "I’m the only one at home. Time passes very slowly, and it’s very depressing. All I do is talk to myself and flip through old photo albums." Original from Qingdao, a major city in east China’s Shandong Province, Xun Qi came to Changzhou for work in 1972. He retired in 1999 and rarely sees his  family who are  back in Qingdao. His only request is for the family to take care of him and keep him company in what he feels are his twilight years. He has also asked to be buried next to his wife upon his death who died in 1999. Xun Qi said:"  I  feel  this is the best option to find happiness once again, and with my physical condition deteriorating with old age,  I will also be able to live in peace, knowing that someone can take care of me.". Xun Qi’s son and granddaughter have given their approval to the old man’s idea. His granddaughter who is 16  said: "As long as he’s happy, then that’s fine. If a family ‘adopts’ him, I’ll visit him as frequently as possible." (ends)O ovome govori jedan neobični oglas koji je nedavno osvanuo u jednim lokalnim kineskim novinama, gdje penzioner nudi svoju penziju porodici koja ga prihvati i usvoji, piše "China Daily".

Riječ je o Huan Qiju, 75-godišnjem penzioneru iz grada Changzhou , iz provincije Jiangsu, koji je u intervjuu za kineske medije priznao da je sam još od 1999. godine, kada mu je preminula supruga.

Od tada živi sam. Iako ima nekoliko rođaka, koji ga s vremena na vrijeme posjećuju, on sam priznaje da je umoran od života, od činjenice da se budi sam u praznoj kući. Upravo zato, konstantno se osjeća očajno i depresivno.

Ono što je zanimljivo jeste da Haun ima i sina, koji živi u gradu, ali koji ne može da brine o ocu. Huan je imao i brata u Changzhouu, ali je on umro prije nekoliko godina, a ostala braća mu žive u Shandongu. Ima čak i unuku, koja je udata i suviše zaokupljena svojom porodicom da ga rijetko kad posjećuje.

Prije šest godina brigu o njemu je preuzela djevojka Siao Jun, ali nakon što se udala, preselila se u drugi grad.

Pic shows: Pensioner Xun Qi has put an advert offering to give his pension to any family whilling to adopt him. A lonely pensioner has put an advert in his local paper offering to give his pension to any family willing to adopt him. Retired civil servant Xun Qi, 75, has been living alone since his wife died and his career quit to start her own family. His son Hun,48, only makes rare visits as he lives to far away and has family and work commitments.  He placed the heart rendering ad  in a paper  in the Changzhou, east China’s Jiangsu Province after suffering depression since his carer left him to get married 10 years ago. Xun Qi said of his career, of whom he was very fond: "She was going to marry some day or another; she couldn’t have stayed with me forever. I sent her off in 2005 as if it were my own daughter getting married, and I’ve been on my own ever since." Xun Qi,  has no friends and  wanders around the house aimlessly, desperately  hoping for  someone to talk to and that is why he has offered his 638GBP a month pension to anyone willing to take him in. He said: "I’m the only one at home. Time passes very slowly, and it’s very depressing. All I do is talk to myself and flip through old photo albums." Original from Qingdao, a major city in east China’s Shandong Province, Xun Qi came to Changzhou for work in 1972. He retired in 1999 and rarely sees his  family who are  back in Qingdao. His only request is for the family to take care of him and keep him company in what he feels are his twilight years. He has also asked to be buried next to his wife upon his death who died in 1999. Xun Qi said:"  I  feel  this is the best option to find happiness once again, and with my physical condition deteriorating with old age,  I will also be able to live in peace, knowing that someone can take care of me.". Xun Qi’s son and granddaughter have given their approval to the old man’s idea. His granddaughter who is 16  said: "As long as he’s happy, then that’s fine. If a family ‘adopts’ him, I’ll visit him as frequently as possible." (ends)"Kada se udala, predao sam je mužu kao pravi otac, i od tada je moja kuća prazna. Osim mene, u kući nema nikog. Nekada pričam sam sa sobom, gledajući foto-albume", kaže on.

Nakon dugog razmatranja, Huan je došao na ideju da da oglas u kojem nudi svoju penziju porodici koja je voljna da ga usvoji. On dodaje da bi od jednog ovakvog sporazuma koristi imale obje strane; on bi imao društvo, a porodica bi mogla da koristi njegovu kuću i penziju (970 dolara). Ipak, Huan naglašava da će kuću nakon njegove smrti naslijediti samo njegov sin.

Pored toga što želi društvo, Huan kaže da porodica koja ga "usvoji" mora da ispuni i njegovu posljednju želju; da ga sahrani pored supruge kada umre.

Zapravo, već je napravio i sporazum sa pogrebnim društvom, tako da se troškovi sahrane odbijaju od njegove ušteđevine. (nezavisne)