Ova žena je pokazala koliko se fotografije s Instagrama razlikuju od stvarnosti
Foto: Tuzlanski.ba

Mnogima se čini kao da su društvene mreže pune prezgodnih manekenki. One objavljuju fotke svojih savršenih tijela, reklamiraju zdravu ishranu, fitness proizvode...

I ljudi im se dive.

Ali, to nije baš iskreno od njih. One u većini slučajeva objavljuju fotošopirane slike ili naprave mnogo fotografija pa objave samo one na kojima su ispale dobro.

Danae Mercer nije takva. Ona ima 33 godine i sasvim iskreno pokazuje koliko se slike s Instagrama mogu razlikovati od stvarnosti.

Njena poređenja bi mogla da vas iznenade. (Index.hr)

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Insta vs Reality / OR changing your BODY does not change your BODY IMAGE. There was a time in my life when I was obsessed with being thin. I skipped meals. Memories. Moments. I was convinced if I lost those next 10lbs, if I hit this magical number in my mind, I would feel good. Strong. WORTHY. I was convinced I would be LOVED. And that maybe, just maybe, I would love myself too. But here’s the thing: Shrinking changed NOTHING. Except some number on a scale. Now I am heavier. Older. And I have never felt more confident in my body or in myself. It’s still a work in progress (always, maybe always), but I see my CELLULITE and don’t feel shame. I see my limbs with all their bits in ALL THE LIGHTING and love what they can do for me. And I see my heart, clumsy as it is, stumbling as it is, and I let it be. I let it exist without judgement. So today, I want to remind you something it too me far too long to learn: Changing our APPEARANCE won’t FIX what’s going on INSIDE. We can train and sweat and eat all the greens, but if we don’t solve what’s happening in our hearts or in our heads, those thoughts will remain. Those battles will remain. Whether they are related to how we see our BODIES Or how we view OURSELVES. The work starts inside. In our heads. In our hearts. In the quiet, raw, tender bits of our soul, that sit so fragile and so shy just crying out for love. In all these parts, that’s where the true change happens. And that’s something we can never really share in an insta/reality photo. But we can certainly like all the same. You got this girl. x Photo @chiclebelle who is just a wondrous woman. #selflove #bodyconfident #selflove #iweigh #feminist #mentalhealth #edrecovery

Objavu dijeli Danae Mercer (@danaemercer)