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Zastrašujuća akrobatska misija: Hod po žici na 500 metara visine (VIDEO)

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Reginaldo Gomes (34), pustolov iz Brazila, odlučio je da testira sebe u jednom zastrašujućem izazovu. Hod po žici na 500 metara visine, između zapanjujućih stijena u opštini Laranja da Tera, je bila njegova akrobatska misija.

Ovaj snimak koji izaziva jezu i grickanje noktiju zbog nervoze, izazvaće neprijatan osjećaj u stomaku, pogotovu kod onih koji se plaše visine,piše “Daily Mail”.

– Uh, to je bio izazov. Veoma ekstreman i mogu vam reći da sam bio preplašen tamo gore – ističe Gomes.

Reginaldo kaže da je pogled bio fascinantan i da je poslije nekoliko pokušaja uspio da završi svoj ekstremni “domaći zadatak”.

Uz nekoliko nespretnih ljuljanja prešao je laganim hodom po žici na drugu stranu stijene.

Prošle godina ovaj hrabri Brazilac je izveo sličnu akrobaciju preko rijeke do vodopada “Cachoeira da Fumaça”. (

  • PIC BY VINICIUS CAUHY RODRIGUESON/ CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: Reginaldo Gomes walking through the rainbow at the Waterfall of Smoke) - Whats at the end of the rainbow? These are the incredible images of a highliner crossing a waterfall just as a rainbow framed the shot. The astonishing pictures show Brazilian highliner Reginaldo Gomes, 34, crossing the iconic Waterfall of Smoke on Sunday August 30 while his friend Vinicius Cauhy Rodrigueson photographed him. As Reginaldo weaved and balanced on the rope, a beautiful rainbow looped over and brilliantly framed the photographs with the waterfall in the background. Reginaldo, who took up highlining two years ago, said: It was magic! SEE CATERS COPY.
  • PIC BY VINICIUS CAUHY RODRIGUESON/ CATERS NEWS – (PICTURED: Reginaldo Gomes walking through the rainbow at the Waterfall of Smoke) – Whats at the end of the rainbow? These are the incredible images of a highliner crossing a waterfall just as a rainbow framed the shot. The astonishing pictures show Brazilian highliner Reginaldo Gomes, 34, crossing the iconic Waterfall of Smoke on Sunday August 30 while his friend Vinicius Cauhy Rodrigueson photographed him. As Reginaldo weaved and balanced on the rope, a beautiful rainbow looped over and brilliantly framed the photographs with the waterfall in the background. Reginaldo, who took up highlining two years ago, said: It was magic! SEE CATERS COPY. možete pratiti i putem aplikacija za Android i iPhone mobilne uređaje